This program can help low-income customers reduce their telephone bills. Lifeline makes telephone service more affordable for income-eligible households by reducing the basic monthly charge for one telephone line.
Most wireline and wireless providers offer a Lifeline service. A list of Lifeline Providers can be found on the Public Service Commission website at:
First, contact your telephone service provider and ask to apply for Lifeline assistance for Wisconsin residents. The service provider will need to verify that you are eligible.
If you are currently receiving benefits from one of the programs listed in this brochure, but your Lifeline application was denied, contact your case worker or county benefits specialist.
NOTE: If you are getting a Lifeline service from one provider, you cannot also get Lifeline from another provider. For instance, if you have a Lifeline service in your home, you are not eligible to also get a Lifeline supported pre-paid wireless service. The Company's voice lifeline plan includes unlimited local minutes-of-use within the toll-free calling area. The Company's voice lifeline plan does not include any free minutes-of-use for toll unless a "bundled minutes" package is chosen.
Eligible customers include those that receive benefits from:
Residents of tribal lands may also qualify for Lifeline and Link-Up (assistance with the cost of initially getting telephone service) by participating in a federal tribal assistance program and may be eligible for additional credits. Please contact your Tribal Authority for additional information.
Your local telephone service provider should be your first contact if you have questions regarding Lifeline. If you have further questions or a complaint about Lifeline then call the Public Service Commission.
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin is an independent state agency that oversees more than 1,100 Wisconsin public utilities that provide natural gas, electricity, heat, steam, water and telecommunications.